An Email Marketers Guide to Black Friday

Yup, it’s that time again! Black Friday is around the corner and its time to start planning your Black Friday and Cyber Monday email campaigns. There are a couple of things that you can do this Black Friday to make your campaigns stand out, and we’ll share how you can do this.

First things first, when is Black Friday & Cyber Monday? This year Black Friday falls on 29 November 2019 and Cyber Monday on 2 December 2019.

  • Create a content plan

Start planning your content now, know exactly what you want to say, when you’re going to say it and what you’re going to offer. Planning ahead of time allows you to make fewer mistakes and ensure you get the most out of Black Friday & Cyber Monday.

  • Get noticed

Each one of your subscribers is going to be receiving hundreds of Black Friday emails, so what can you do to make yours stand out?

  • Subject line: this is the first thing that will grab your readers attention so make it count! Try using personalisation, humour or an emoji. Use A/B tests to find out which subject lines work best with your database.
  • Content: keep your Black Friday email campaigns short and to the point. Be wary of emails that are too mysterious! Make your emails stand out by adding one of these elements:
    • Animates gifs
    • Moving background images
    • Name merge on images
    • Countdown timers to create urgency
    • Personalised images
    • Have content that adds value to the reader
  • Send reminders

Stay top of mind by sending your subscribers carefully planned reminders. Sending your email at the right time will mean more subscribers will open your email, which will lead to a more successful Black Friday.

  • Use segmentation

Use segmentation to send your subscribers Black Friday deals that are relevant to them. Having personalised content that is segmented to fit certain groups of subscribers is a sure way to increase engagement!

Take a look at our Black Friday infographic below for a quick recap.

If you’d like us to assist you with your email marketing for Black Friday, get in touch: [email protected]